Calculate date based on given days

Hi everyone, I have three fields 1st reminder, 2nd reminder, 3rd reminder. Now, if user enters 3 values in those fields it should calculate the dates . (Ex: if i enter 10 in 1st reminder it should calculate the date from current date + 10days and store calculated date in another field). How this could be achieved.. could u pls suggest Thanks in advance, Apurupa
2 answers

You can use addDays function available in Mendix date functions. For details, see

An example to add 10 days in current date would be

addDays([%CurrentDateTime%], 10)

You can also explore this demo app to see working of date functions


I need some help on calculating expiry date. Let’s says today date is 10-7-2019 and I need the robot to calculate 30days to find out what is the expiry date. Anyone have the code to share ? ThanksI need some help on calculating expiry date and day counter. Let’s says today date is 10-7-2019 and I need the robot to calculate 30days to find out what is the expiry date. Anyone have the code to share ? Thanks
