Mendix Team server API to Retrieve Commits doesnt give list of modified modules/files.

Our requirement is to generate a mail which will contain the commit details (as soon as the change is pushed). This mail will be further sent to the scrum team as a notification so that team members will be aware of the changes being made to the respective branches. I am using app repository API mentioned on link However, it doesn’t return list of modified modules/files. It only gives below information: { "id": "898", "author": { "name": "", "email": "" }, "date": "2022-02-22T06:28:55.759Z", "message": "ME-169016 - HOE - : For surface duo , the challenge overview page was ditorted\nDetails: Added media queries for specific orientations for tablet view.\n\n\nCode Reviewer\nKshitij Gavas", "mendixVersion": "", "relatedStories": [] }   Any other API available for this. I didn’t find any.   Also, I would like to know whether hyperlink can be generated which will point to the respective commit detail in team server. Thanks!!
1 answers

Hi Kshitij,


Have you got any solution to retrieve the committed files using API or even in the Developer portal.
