showing current date

hello I am new to mendix , I am currently working as intern and  now I am working in a project  called DMS. This is my first project so all my team members are also new to this mendix. we want some help. we are developing a app. so we have some doubts in that how to show last activities current date and time.    example Last activity 3 Jun 2020 1:49 PM   we don’t have idea how to do that . we want to show the current date and time of files viewed by users.  
4 answers


In addition to the answer provided by Chetan, you can use the last changed date, which will show the last time/date an attribute in the entity was changed.

If you want to show the last time/date of other actions, for example a file download, you will have to make this yourself. To do this, create an attribute called ‘last activity’ and ‘last activity time’  whenever a file is downloaded you should kick of a microflow, which sets the last activity to donwload and the date time to currentDateTime. This way you can show the date of any activity you want.

Hope this helps! 


hey @Nasreen if u r having an maintaining an entity for the files then there itself ull find “store created date “ section


If u tick that and try it will work


Hi  Nasreen,

Once you have the dates stored you can display it in the text or the date picker widgets, and select the custom date format and represent the needed date format for “3 Jun 2020 1:49 PM” you can use “d MMM yyyy h:mm a”


Thank you for all your helps . I will try to do in that way 
