Which Module to be used for PDF generation?

Hi all, I want to generate a PDF document by importing a word document file into app and map those attributes using association or microflows. Once the mapping is done, I want to generate the same in PDF format. Let me know which module can be used for fulfilling the above use case in app which is being developed in mendix 9.6.0. Thanks in advance
2 answers


One option is to use Mendix document generation capabilities.  These features do not currently enable you to import a Word document, however, you can create a document template that can be used to generate a document with data from your app.  See this documentation to get started:  https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/creating-your-own-documents

Hope that helps,



Hi Rohith,

An excellent module for this Document Generation for Mendix. You can build your template in Word with mergefields which need to be mapped to entity attributes. Then you can generate (secured) PDF files with your data.

You will need a license but that's is easily worth instead of the hassle trying to implement the same thing in Document templates.
