Hi Apurupa,
I didn’t exactly understand what you are asking for, but I think you want to reset the checkbox set selector to its original values.
If that’s what you want, you can add a microflow action button on the page which accepts the input parameter which is associated with your checkbox set selector.
In the below example, you can see that the user account “Umesh Sukheja” is associated with user roles “Administrator” and “Employee” in database.
If I change it (without committing) and then press the “Reset checkboxes” button, it will reset checkboxes to their original values from the database i.e. “Administrator” and “Employee”.
The logic behind the “Reset checkboxes”:
It will overwrite the association of Account with Userrole (B2BUser, B2CUser and Client)
I hope, it answers your question, if not let me know and if yes please don’t forget to mark it as “Accepted answer”. :-)