Debug Installed Native App iOS

I have a native app that behaves differently in QR code preview and the installed version. App is working fine when previewed from Make it Native. I built the app for iOS and installed its .ipa release file in iPhone. Now the app is not working properly (probably some issue in a nanoflow or JS action) but I cannot see any Mendix logs to debug the app. Using alerts in JS action or show message activity in the nanoflow could be one way to create sort of breakpoints but it is very difficult to trace error in this way. How to debug the installed application? The app build takes very long. Let say I make a minor change for testing and have to test installed version again. It will take around 30 min to deploy and build the app. Repeating this process to make changes and build, test gets very tiring. Any suggestions on it? Mendix 9.10.1 iPhone 12 – iOS 15.3.1
1 answers

Hello Umar,

As you are saying the app build is taking a long time, what I am understanding is you are doing cloud build using GitHub and appcenter. 

What you can do as an alternative is build it locally ( So you can build the app locally and get the files in the build folder that you have configured in Native Builder. Transfer this folder to a Mac machine where you have XCode installed. Install the required packages (npm and pod) as mentioned in the documentation. After this, you can connect an iPhone to the Mac or use Simulators to run and check the app. Since you are running it from Xcode, you can see all the logs from the application also can add logs manually if required.

A local build would be taking less than 5 min and a build process in XCode also will take less than 5 min. So you can make changes and test in 10 mins instead of 30, but here you have to put more manual effort.

This is how we were doing it now. And we are building IPA also locally only after successful testing.

Just one thing as your app is using the camera. Make sure have added the required permissions in App capabilities section in Mendix Native Builder
