Generate (but a editable) .pdf document

Hi everyone, I'm downloading the document template I generated without any problems. But my question is: I want this touch to be editable after downloading: so I should be able to make changes to it before printing. How can I do that? Advance thanks
3 answers

You can generate the file as a Word document.


I plan to do this like this:
I can add an edit button next to the download button and open an edit page where I can see the changeable sections, make the changes here, connect it to the document template with mic.flow with a non entity, and download the document created with these changes directly without committing these changes (Because I don't want to change the database).
I'll let you know if it works :)


I did it in this way:

I am sending a form to the user that he can download with a link, I made an edit button so he can change some of the blanks I allow in this form (for some type errors at name, surname,...) .  It has options to download directly or edit first and then download to .pdf.  Thus, I am not giving the opportunity to change the whole form.
