Server Failed to start

Hello Developers, I try to run my application it throws me an error like this, I have tried some solutions like clearing the mendix_cache folder of the project and I re-downloaded the project again then also is not working finally I re-installed the same version of Mendix still facing the same issue. If Anybody has seen this error before, give me some solution to overcome this error.    
5 answers

Have a look in your userlib directroy, probably there are some duplicate jar fiels in the directory.

Only keep the ones with the highest version number, clear the project directory from the menu option in Studio Pro and run the project again.



I have cleared the Mendix Cache folder.

I have removed the repeated Jar files from Deployment Folder.


I followed all the form answers, but none of the worked for me.


Is there any permanent solution for this issue?

Note: When I clean the App directory, everytime before I execute the project, I’m not getting this issue.



It worked for me once I reinstalled my operating system and installed Medix once more. once that, I downloaded my project from the team server.


It worked for me once I reinstalled my operating system and installed Medix once more. once that, I downloaded my project from the team server.


I got the same problem but in my case, I changed the port number of my application and then it worked.


To change the port number of the application, at the App Explorer, expand your App and choose 'Settings'. In Configurations tab, click Edit and choose Server. Then, change the Runtime port number to another number. Default is 8080. In my case, I changed it to 8088. You may have to change the Admin port if necessary.
