Loading loop due to a Data View

Hello, I have a microflow which is accessed via a menu item and then opens a pop-up with the current user in use. When I try to open the pop-up via the menu item, I end up in a loading loop. Before, this process has worked, but now it doesn't.  I was able to determine if I remove the "Account" Data View from the Page, the loop does not occur, then it works.  But I do not know where exactly the error is and how I can fix it. I am still a beginner in mendix.   It would be great if you could help me?  
2 answers

Well, first advise is to remove module Administration, as it sucks for plenty of reasons. But let me stick to the problem at hand: entity ‘Account’ is a specialization of ‘User’ (do not know if you have any high coding skills, but any rookie programmer can tell you that that is total BS. Indeed it is not so, but the creators of module Administration .. sorry, going of topic again). That means that you need not get Account over association to ‘owner’. Like that using this association is the cause of the strange behavior.

Instead, all you have to retrieve is Account. You will get the attributes of ‘User’ available as well. Try this: Remove the activity ‘Retrieve User’. Change the activity ‘Retrieve Account’ to ‘Account_GetCurrentUSer’ looking like this:

Now go to your page and make it look like this:

Notice the pane ‘Connector’ on the right side that, if you have the focus anywhere in the Account-dataview and not on any attribute-field, will show you all attributes that you can add to your form. Notice that this includes the User’s attributes, event though you are in the Account-entity.

Hope this helps!


what error you get when you get the loop? You can also put a breakpoint in your microflow and go through it step by step and see where it keeps repeating.
