How to add background video in Mendx Desktop application and Mendix Mobile App?.

I wanted to add a full screen background video (Source: Youtube) in my application for Home Page is it possible, how should it be done. I did search for it on Forums but could not find any information regarding it. Also where do we need to add the HTML code to which specifies the background video source i.e. //Where do I need to add the HTML code (in Mendix)?. <video autoplay muted loop id="myVideo">   <source src="rain.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> Reference (Forum) – In this in the answer section the widget name is mentioned but how to use it in the application is not given. The scenario was I wanted to display an online video from Youtube which which will be displayed on Home page (for now).  Expected Result
2 answers


Kindly use the below code in HTML snippet in your homepage

<iframe width="{yourwidth}" height="{youtheight}" src="{youtube Link}">

Hope this helps!!!



I found the solution to this query which is instead of adding a video in the background I added a gif in the background and gave it proper height and width which would cover the screen.

The steps were as follows:

  1. Download any gif image and save it in your system.
  2. In themes→ web create a separate folder named Style and inside it create a new custom.scss file (If you already have custom.scss file then go to step 3)
  3. Copy the downloaded gif file and place it in themes→ web
  4. Place your login page inside a container and give that container a class name. 
  5. In custom.scss file add use the class name and use the following code:


    background-image: url("File_name.gif");


    width: 100%;


  1. Import the custom.scss in your main.scss file. 
  2. Run the application. 

