No UserTaskView object available for `User Task`, and, an error occured during user assignment.
I followed the academy sample “Build a Powerful Workflow”. I started one workflow about “onboarding” as HR. But I can not assign the user task to “manager”. When pressed the button “Assign to me”, it popups one windows with the message as below: "An error occured during user assignment. Please contact your system administrator". The log details as below: our system administrator". 查看后台的错误日志信息是:No UserTaskView object available for `User Task`. Please check if the event microflows have been configured in the App Settings. I checked the app setting, but did find the setting related to microflow. I have no ideas how to fix it.
Dashboards and metrics in Workflow Commons v2.1.0 and above depend on state change microflows. Make sure to configure the following state change microflows in the App Settings > Workflows tab:
Set Workflow state change to OCh_Workflow_State
Set User task state change to OCh_WorkflowUserTask_State