Execute microflow on browser refresh

Hello,   Hope you had a  great weekend :)    Does anybody know a way through which it is possible to call a microflow when  the browser is getting refreshed? Something similar to an event that gets triggered on  that refresh.   Thanks, Marcian.
2 answers

Hi Marcian,


Using a data view on the page with a datasource microflow is always triggered on a page refresh.


I have a form where I upload one file at a time (System.FileDocument entity). The issue I have is that when I do upload a file that object gets commited without the user pressing the save button. 


The way I wanted to get rid of the commited object before I press save was either to delete it by pressing cancel or by closing the modal pop-up. The issue is that if the user refreshes the page then there is no way to delete it because I don't think there is an event for that.
