Anonymous users access

Hello everyone,   I am coming forward to you with the following problem.  I have one user role named Candidate which is an App User. I have allowed anonymous users in my app settings tab and specified that my app users with role 'User' which is a generalization of my 'Candidate' user role should be able to have access.   Since I use a deeplink module because I want my app to be accessed by an URL like for example http://localhost:8080/link/prospect/28 where I want to directly (without login) to have access to a form. But I get this:  What am I doing wrong?      UPDATE SOLVED    Missed this page in the deeplink configuration overview
1 answers


A couple of ideas:

  • is the microflow called by your deeplink enabled for user role User?  How about the wizard page and the entity?
  • I think you could accomplish this without deeplink, which would reduce complexity.  For the wizard page, give it a URL in the properties of the page, like this: then you’ll be able to access the page by navigating to https://yourappurl/p/PageName.  For this to work, the dataview that contains the wizard form will have to have a microflow data source that creates an object for the page to use.

Hope this helps,

