Unable to trigger microflow on Change event in Admin

The scenario was as follows: I had created a attribute in Admin (using the admin page I am creating user roles and setting the password), in admin page I had added a extra field Reporting manager (which displays list of name with role as Manager). So I wanted to display the Reporting Manager field only when the user role is not Manager (other roles: anonymous, resource, administrator) so I had created a microflow ‘ACT_CheckManager’ (I have added isBool attribute to the admin DOM which act as a flag to check if manager is selected as user role and if its true then in microflow I will make isBool=false so the Reporting manager is not visible) which is been called On change event of User role field. The issue was when I ran the program and logged in using Admin credentials and added a new user, when I selected user role: Manager the Reporting manager field was still visible (the microflow was not getting triggered {I also had added a breakpoint at the start}) DOM (Admin): User Role (Attribute-Properties):   Microflow: ACT_CheckManager   Admin Page: (On selecting manager user role the reporting manager field is still been shown and the microflow is not getting called) MyFirstModule (DOM):
1 answers

Hello Sidhant Dorge, 

In the screenshot that you have shared, I can see that you have added page validations for New Password and Confirm Password fields. Usually in Mendix, whenever your page validations fails, the onchange microflows are not triggered. Can you try one thing? Can you please either remove the page validations or try to fill all other values in the page and then try to change the UserRole field. That should trigger your On Change microflow.



Thanks and Regards,

Praharaj Mahaprasad Tripathy
