Receive error while sending email

Hello, Hopefully someone can help. I use the email template together with encription and mx reflection model. I have no errors in my logging. When using a microflow in the app (webversion) I receive the message: “An error occurred, please contact your system administrator. mendix” while I don't see an error message in the microflow itself. To be specific: it's the microflow Sub_CreateAndSendEmail What is frustrating is that I cannot see anywhere how the error occurs. Someone has experience with this error?   Regards Jasper
4 answers

Hi Jasper,

You are seeing nothing at all in the logs? In that case maybe the microflow takes too long to finish and the client times out.

That can happen if the application stopped on a breakpoint while debugging and you forget to press continue. Or in case of an infinite loop. For heavy microflows you may try changing the microflow call type to asynchronous and see if that helps.

I hope this helps.


Hello Michiel,


Many thx for your respons.
it’s an existing workflow from Mendix. You probably know the feature.
I completely followed it step by step. STrange part is that none of the microflows have a reported error.
Once i go in the app it shows me the message when I want to run a microflow.

If you have any other tips please let me know.

Youtube movie:

How to Send Styled HTML Emails - YouTube



Hi Jasper ,


If you can share the console section with us, it will help us better understand the error. Also , the source of the error may be security . It may be helpful to review all your accesses again .





Appendix on the comment to Ridvan:
