I can’t Sign in to Mendix Studio Pro.

When I start MendixStudioPro (ver. 9.6.7), the login screen appears, but when I try to enter text in the text fields, such as Username, I am unable to do so. (Maybe the screen rendering is extremely slow. (This is because it has occurred several times that a few characters are displayed about 10 minutes after I enter the characters)   Also, the cursor in Username does not blink and remains lit. I set the value (1) in the registry "⌘HKEY_CURRENT_USER⌘SOFTWARE⌘Microsoft⌘Avalon.Graphi⌘DisableHWAcceleration" and restarted my PC, but this did not solve the problem. Could you please help me with the solution?  
5 answers


I had the same issue a while ago and I updated my graphics card driver and it solved the problem.



Do blind typing in the respective username and password field it will log u in 


This is a know issue of mx 9.6

Changing your screensizing helps


This issue is still present in Studio Pro 9.12.5. In my case I have a laptop screen and an external screen. The username field stays empty when the dialog is on my laptop screen, but when the dialog is dragged to the external screen, sometimes the characters appear. It probably has something to do with the scaling settings (125% on laptop screen and 100% on external screen).


I don’t want to give up...but I can’t solve this same problem with 9.17.1. My graphics card driver is the most updated. I tried scaling settings from 100% to 175%. It doesn’t work. It is too challenging for a non-IT background people as a beginner...sigh
