Developing an app for months and all of a sudden I cannot start the app locally.

In studio pro 9.10.1 I have made several simple page changes. Not messing around anywhere else and now when I start my app locally I get…   I dont see how I changed anything that would impact this, and have found several articles that say how to fix them, but nothing has. The only error I get in the console is    I am using Mendix SSO in production. Does this have to do with changing the login page to another? I did that weeks ago so I do not think it is related. 
6 answers

As mentioned in our documentation. when running your app locally you will need to use local credentials.

If you have configured the MendixSSO logic correctly in your application using the URL: http://localhost:8080/login-without-sso.html should take you to the login with credentials page:


Hi Tony,


It looks like the browser on your local system can not open the URL. Did you check the local firewall settings? Maybe it is dropping that connection. What does Chrome tell you open the Developer Tool <Ctrl> + <Shift> + <I> and tab Network?


And what happens if you just enter http://localhost:8080  ?




If you go to this URL: http://localhost:8081/index.html?profile=Responsive does it work in that case?


“ I am using Mendix SSO in production. Does this have to do with changing the login page to another?.”

Most definitely. Mendix SSO is not built to be run from a locally running instance and exactly this 404 message is the response you get when you go to http://localhost:8080/SSO/.

Simplest solution: in your webbrowser’s url-bar replace the end /SSO/ with /login.html end you will end up in your login screen. Or click on button ‘View’ in Studio Pro. That will  also get you to login.html


Can you try http://localhost:8080/openid/login-old.html ?

You should be able to log in from there as any user and then possible disable SSO


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