Data grid inside of tab container - how to not select everything?

So, I have quite a few Data Grids (11 of them) and to organize them, I’ve placed them inside of a Tab Container. However, I’m running into an issue. When I select a tab in the Tab Container, the entire Data Grid and every row within the Data Grid gets selected and highlighted as well. So now there is no way distinguish what row is being selected inside of the Data Grid anymore. Is there any way to stop this behavior? I’ve also tried placing the Data Grid inside of Navigation List and have the same issue.    
2 answers

Hm, I have several cases of a datagrid in a tab-container, without this highlight issue. So my first guess is that this is due to custom styling of your app. To see if that is so, create a blank app and see if you can replicate the same behavior.

And try the same in a Mx 9.12 version.

If it indeed is the styling, use your browser’s inspector (F12) to find out the class that is messing it up and ask you UI/UX expert to correct it.


Didn’t notice at first that the Tab Containers were also inside of a Navigation List. It is it Navigation List that was causing the issue. Every single item nested inside of the Navigation List is selected. I moved the Tab Containers out and not getting the issue anymore.
