Cant login to Mendix studio pro

Dear all, I'm having some problems when I try to login to Mendix Studio Pro. I can't type my email and password. Do you have any idea what I can do?   *** Mendix version 9.12.0
3 answers

I had the same problem with previous versions and I don´t know why it happened but I finally did it by copying and pasting the user and the password, I couldn´t see the data pasted but when I pushed the login button it worked for me.





I have the similar issue, and none of the links like ‘Forgot Password’ or ‘Sign Up’ or Sign in with ‘SAP BTP’ etc. work when I click on the screen. It looks like that screen froze and nothing works on that screen except the X on the top right corner


Can it be that some invisible overlay is covering the input-fields. Try if resizing the login-popup to very big of tiny makes a difference.
