I cannot copy a button in Page.

Hi there, I was operating in MendixPro and created one button in the Page material. I want to copy and paste it because I want it to be a similar call or Caption, but I can't. I think I could do it in previous versions. Is this serious?   I didn't find the latest version in OPTIONS, so I'll write the version info here. Ver 8.18.17.
3 answers

I can confirm that this is indeed a bug in Studio Pro 8.18.17 that prohibits the copy-paste action. It will be fixed in 8.18.18 which should be out at the end of this week/early next week. 


Do you copy it from and to the same context? There are some limitations and there is differences between footer, datagrid, content section,...


I have the same issue for 8.18.17. Paste is disabled and can not be used at all on any page.
