Downloading a PDF file from a Overview Page

Hi,  The scenario was: I had page called ‘Show Details’ which has 3 fields/attributes Name, Age, DOB {I have used Data Grid 2}. I wanted a button which will download the contents displayed on the page and store it in a file. For that I have created a button on the page and On-Action: Call a microflow. I have created a microflow named GenerateDocument (in a folder named Generate Document: which contains the microflow and the template-for the document). The microflow works fine (i.e. the contents are retrieved in the file but after the download activity, the file is not getting downloaded and in UI it displays: An error occurred please contact system administrator). My project has 3 roles: Admin, Anonyomous, User. I have attached screenshots of the application which are:   Document_Template: (To store file)   Microflow (GenerateDocument):   Page (ShowDetails): Button (Properties):   Error:   Debugger: (Step by Step) (Expected O/P: The page has 3 records so the pdf must contain all the records) Records are stored in the template created. The file is also getting generated. (I have not used any parameter in microflow as I want to download all the records present on the page, so I have used a retrieve activity).
2 answers

The issue is resolved: I just had to give the access to the Entity (PolicyDoc) {initially there was no access} [In App Security status was incomplete]. So I provided the PolicyDoc Entity access.



Hi Sidhant Dorge,

I am trying to download a Page as PDF File and send PDF File to Email and Your scenario looks similar to my situation can you help me please.

Regards & Thanks,

