Hello, I’m trying to (automatic) display the current user, how has just signed in, on my new form when he is importing new data. So an owner can see who has filled in the form and the new data. Who can help me? What i’ve done so far: - placed a ‘text-box’ on the form - made an association in domain model with ‘account’ from system When i run locally > login with user > the name of current user is NOT displayed. (just empty) What am i doing wrong? greets
Rens Chrispijn
2 answers
On the form (page) you have a dataview
Data source – type: Microflow
In the Data source microflow cast the currentUser to the specialisation you wish to use (Account e.g.)
The Account entity and attributes of the current users are now available to be placed within the data view on the form
Stephan Bruijnis
Hello Rens,
Place a text widget in the form and set it to attribute showen in the picture below.