Make field mandatory when reject request

Hi Guys,   I want to make a field in form mandatory if request is rejected and optional  if request is approved. Could you please suggest me how to implement it.    Thanks in advance.  
2 answers

Hi Abrar,

In the microflow to save the form you can make a validation. Here you check if the field is filled when the request is rejected and provide user feedback if it is not. When the request is accepted you can skip this check and then commit the object.

Hope this helps!


Hi Abrar,

One way would be:

  1. On click of reject – show another form say a popup containing the required field and once the user enters the data and presses save – change the status of the request to rejected. However, if the user cancels don’t update the status of the request
  2. On click of approve – change the status of the request to approved 


Good luck!
