Datagrid doesnt let an action button to call a microflow unless I select an item on the list.

Hello, I am currently following Xpath module in mendix learning path and there I have created a ‘vacation’ app. I have used a datagrid1 on the overview page and instead of using ‘create’ button, I used an ‘action button’ which calls a microflow to create ‘vacation’. However, by clicking this button, I cannot create vacation. To be able to create a vacation, I have to select one item on the list and I can create new item. Could anybody explain me the reason please? You could check the screenshots below. Note: I am not looking for list alternatives for datagrid. Kind regards, Yusuf KAZAN
1 answers

Remove the VacationRequest parameter from the Microflow :) It expects a parameter now, so that's why you need to select one first.
