Grid Cell Styler with CSS

I have been trying to get conditional formatting for a grid in my app. I was reconmened to use Grid Cell Styler(, because my app runs off Mendix 8.18. Im not sure if I have configed the widget right or if I did my CSS wrong, but I have tried everything that I know. I was wondering if I could get a second look at it or some advice. 
2 answers

Reece, check these examples: and

  1. You will need to add the name of the column that the class will apply to: ‘column2’ or so.
  2. You will need to add javascript ‘return rowObj.get("Quality") < ‘Green’;
  3. In your Scss, change ‘.colorGrid td{‘ to ‘.colorGrid {‘

Hi Reece,
As Tim mentioned you will have to mention the Colum name, I have also implemented CellStyler for my Datagrid.
For your Ref:

In your SCSS file you can just write the color and add your style with the Class name you have given in the widget.


Good Luck !!

