Couldnt migrate all legacy files. There where 100 legacy file(s) which referred to a path that could not be found on the disk.

Hi, A few days ago I upgraded a project from v7.23.28 to v8.18.14 and since I receive this error message when I run the application: “Couldn't migrate all legacy files. There where 100 legacy file(s) which referred to a path that could not be found on the disk. Files are (FileID, Name, __FileName__): 1. (620, Un-defined, 1) 2. (621, Un-defined, 1), ...”. After the upgrade I updated several app store modules (e.g. Atlas_UI_Resources, AuditTrial, CommunityCommons, ObjectHandling) and a few widgets. Does anyone know what's causing this problem and how I can solve this? Thanks in advance.  
1 answers

Is it correct your application originates from an older Mendix version (like 6)? 

I think it does (noting the FileID attribute instead of the UUID attribute) and it appears the (old) files for some reason cannot be found anymore, causing the migration of these files (from old Mendix 6 files to modern files) to fail. 

To solve this issue/these logs at startup, you can either put the FileDocument's back, however, considering the name "Un-defined", I'm assuming these files are not used. Therefore, you can probably best remove those entities from the database (and then the issue should be solved). 

If removal is unwanted, you can extract the id's from the logs and if you are sure that the FileDocument's reported in the logs actually does not have content and there is no possibility of getting them updated, then setting _Filename_ to 0 for those FileDocument 's should fix these logs at the start of the application.

For example, if you can reproduce this locally, you can use the database viewer and find (likely) fileIDs (specifically, fileIDs 620 and 621) have no content, for example, like fileIDs 43 – 48 below:

As a side note: these logs are generally quite harmless, as they usually refer to files that are not used anymore. 
