Cant run 2 instances of Mendix Studio Pro?

Using 9.12.4, i am not able to run two apps on my local machine anymore. No matter what port settings i do, the second app starting always says the port is already in use. In the first instance of Mendix studio pro, the settings look like this: In the second instance, the settings look like this:   Starting the first one works fine. As soon as i try starting the second one, i get: The error goes away when i stop the first instance. Am i missing something? Anyone else having this issue?
5 answers

Hi Jaymil,


Check there is any application running in your port using command prompt 

netstat -ano | findstr :<PORT>

If there is any kill it 


taskkill /PID <PID> /F



Hey Michiel Arts,
Can you check in the terminal if any other process is running in that port? 


I am having same issue and trying to find out the solution.


I ran the command already and verified. None of my process is using those ports. Even I Reinstalled Studio pro, Turn off Firewall and  VPN client etc.

Furthermore, I change ports from 8080 -> 8088. 8090 -> 8098  for APP1 and 8081 -> 8084 , 8091 to 8094 for APP2. Also verified even these new ports are not in use. 
But even with new ports there is no luck.

I wonder, why it gives me vice versa port running error. Means, if I ran APP1 first  and than try to run APP2 it says APP2's ports are in use but if I ran APP2 first and try to ran APP1 after it says APP1’s port are in use. 

Here is the list of all ports running and used on my system.


I can’t reproduce the issue with Mendix 8.18.15 and 9.12.4. Obviously, when the first application (on ports 8080&8090) is running, before running the second application (on ports 8081&8091), you can run “netstat -ano” to check which process is using the 8081and 8091 ports. 
$ netstat -ano | findstr LISTENING
