Predefined List Of Values

Hi, I would like some assistance in creating a list of defined value that can be pulled through to a drop down menu within my app.   I want to create a new entry and then select from a drop down menu a set number of percentages that will auto fill the number of days allocated to the each percentage.   So if I select 30% then a duration field should automatically fill with the corresponding days of that percentage. I can create a microflow to automatically fill the duration field but I don’t know where to create the list of predefined percentages and predefined number of days.   Can someone assist?   Below is an image of what I am trying to achieve with my entry creation. percentage will be changed to a drop down and duration will just be an auto filled field.
1 answers

Hi Waldo Niemand,

You should create a Entity A to Save Percentage value and days.

Then create Another entity B for Parcel Entity and create 1-* association between A and B. 

A is the master entity where admin will only Create/Update Values. 
Now Add a Reference Selector in the Page. 
Add a OnChange Micorflow for the reference Selector and write your Logic there to AutoCalculate the  Duration.

Hope it Helps!!!
