When running the application locally, it fails to deploy and start after build.

When running the application locally, it fails to deploy and start after build. In the popup it says: Server failed to start. See details for the server log.   Now it is not possible to start the application. No information shown in the console also. Without any logs, it is very difficult to understand what is going wrong.   Already tried downloading the new copy of our app. Resintalled Mendix 9.15.0 few times already  
3 answers

I have seen that when there is a port conflict. While it should tell you, sometimes it doesn’t Try assigning a different port…


Also, in the …/deployment/log folder there are logs. You might find something there.






Did you tried cleaning the deployment directory ? Goto App--> Clean deployment directory and try running it. Let me know if it works.


After lot of trial and error, I found the way to resolve the issue myself, atleast temporarily.

This seems to be an issue in Modeler which is confirmed by Mendix Support also.
