Hi Alexander,
You can use the solutions given in the Forum post mentioned by Armand. An alternative is with some JavaScript and a Nanoflow. Your sounds can then be stored as (specializations of) FileDocuments in your database. The Nanoflow would look like this:
You need to point to the url where the file can be found. The JavaScript looks like this:
var audio = new Audio(applicationURL + '/file?target=window&guid=' + entityGUID);
My example worked in Mx8, I'm not sure if Mx9 still has this absolute path to filedocuments based on GUID. If not, you could also create your own urls using deeplink for example.
Documentation about the Audio object can be found here. Hope this helps!
Hi Alexander!
In https://marketplace.mendix.com/ there are extra plugins for your Mendix projects maybe you can find anything you are looking for in there. https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/91358 gives a good example of using a html snippet to play music.
Good luck!