Can we delete revision history in SVN and just use the most recent one(s)?

Projects with lots of commits grow huge. The .svn directory in the project ends up consuming the largest amount of space. Can we use TortoiseSVN or some other tool to prune the revision history and just use the most recent revision? I can work around this by exporting the app package and creating a new project from it, but then I have to request a licensed node, upload a certificate, etc. Is it possible to just delete all the old revisions from SVN?
3 answers

Hi Lauren

You can use TortoiseSVN for this (cf. Troubleshooting Version Control and Team Server Issues | Mendix Documentation and System Requirements | Mendix Documentation) but at your own risk ofcourse :)

I hope this helps!

Kind regards,



Rather than removing the revisions, maybe you can just start working on a branch line instead of the main line once the svn folder grows too large?


Thank you for your suggestions. It turns out that in this specific project, the userlib directory was unusually large (700 MB). The .svn directory (also about 700 MB) was huge because it was retaining revisions that included 3 large .jar files: aws-java-sdk-1.11.775.jar (159 MB), aws-java-sdk-1.11.775-javadoc.jar (215 MB), and aws-java-sdk-1.11.775-sources.jar (143 MB). I don’t know why those files were there because the project doesn’t appear to use them. It was probably left by a developer experimenting with the AWS SDK. Once I removed those three files the userlib shrunk by 500 MB and when I committed the change the .svn directory also shrunk by about 500 MB.
