Centralized Method of Development with Controls

Dears,    Hope everyone is doing well.  My apologies if this question has been asked before, I’ve searched and was not able to find an answer as of yet.  We currently manage around 100 developers in our organization and I recently joined to find that nearly all developers have a copy of application code on their laptops/desktops as they work.  Being in charge of Information Security we are trying to review the current architecture and move from a de-centralized method, to a centralized method where all code can be edited on a remote server, or server cluster where no local copy is necessary.  We obviously have collaboration going on with different projects but we don’t have controls in place to manage, monitor, and put in place controls to manage different levels of access to application code.  In my humble experience in my previous companies, we utilized development servers with Git, or SFTP where end-users would connect, do their work, commit, and proceed.     Has anyone succeeded in this? We’ve reached out to Mendix and it was suggested that we reach out to the community for answers.
1 answers

Hi Ramy,

The only solution I can think of that doesn't impede development too much is having remote desktops available where the developers can sign in on and work on their projects. So you can host sessions on premise and have developers connect using the Remote Desktop Connection. That way, they don't need to install Mendix locally in order to work on the project.

Hope that helps.
