Hey guys, im completly new to Mendix and was running through the Tutorial as seen in this Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RaIorJjqVY Installing Mendix Studio Pro went smoothly, but as soon as I wanted to edit my project in Studio Pro I got prompted by an Information: Failed to checkout remote repository (Full Dump at the end). Since then I have been trying to change my premissions, firewall and reinstalling Studio Pro a few times to try to fix the issue thatway. Parts of the programm even land in the F:/User Nemesis/Dokumente/Mendix/Hello World-main_2 folder and can be launched. Only issue with that is, that it then has 700+ errors due to parts of the programm missing. I have also tried to install Studio Pro on my second Device and it throws the exact same issue when trying to download the project (obviously with a different directory). Maybe any of you have suggestions for me how to fix this. Cheers Philip Full Dump: LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: could not open 'F:/User Nemesis/Dokumente/Mendix/Hello World-main_2/javascriptsource/nanoflowcommons/actions/dependencies.txt' for writing: Zugriff verweigert at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Ensure.HandleError(Int32 result) at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Proxy.git_checkout_tree(RepositoryHandle repo, ObjectId treeId, GitCheckoutOpts& opts) at LibGit2Sharp.Repository.CheckoutTree(Tree tree, IList`1 paths, IConvertableToGitCheckoutOpts opts) at LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Checkout(Tree tree, IEnumerable`1 paths, CheckoutOptions options) at LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(IRepository repository, Tree tree, CheckoutOptions checkoutOptions, String refLogHeadSpec) at LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(IRepository repository, Branch branch, CheckoutOptions options) at LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(IRepository repository, String committishOrBranchSpec, CheckoutOptions options) at LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(IRepository repository, String committishOrBranchSpec) at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Actions.Git.GitCheckoutAction.Execute(Repository repo, IRevLine branch) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl\Actions\Git\GitCheckoutAction.cs:line 26
Philip Maron
1 answers
This person had the same issue and posted what resolved it for him, maybe it'll help you too?