Datagrid 2 problem on filtering

Hi Mendix Community,   We have a problem with filtering on the datagrid 2, specifically with the filters pertaining to the grid that sits outside of  the columns. as sown below.     Firstly it does not save the filter selection as is does in the column filter, when the page refreshes it refreshes the filters. Secondly you can not filter on more than one filter at a time as it only uses the input from the last filter selection, where as on the column filters you can filter on more than 1 column with no problem.   I have setup a demo project to display the problem here.   Is there a known problem around this or am I missing something somewhere?   Your help will be greatly appreciated.
2 answers

Looks like you are going to have to submit a ticket.


Are you using the same filtertype multiple times in the datagrid header?


If so, in the documentation it states that this is simply not supported. 
”Make sure you only have one filter widget for each type, for example Text Filter and Number Filter.”


