Image format in variable while debugging

Hi, I have created two different format and a upload button in a page. If I need to browse two format I need to see those in variable while debugging, so that I can able to see the value. For one format I can able to see the value, I need to see the value for jpg format. Is there any possibility to do? Appreciate your help.
1 answers

Hi Lavanya,

The object which is genralized by Image/FileDoucment entity will have a attribute ‘Name’ which stores the File name.  The file name is included with the Extension. 


The other way  to find extension is , you can make use of SubString function to fetch the file extension.

Example : $fileName= xxxxxxx_123.jpg

Use substring( $fileName,(FindLast($fileName,’.’)+1)  this function will give you the extension.


or you can split the function as you want ,

  • Create and Integer variable ( Extension_index) and add FindLast($fileName,’.’)+1 ,
  • Create a  String Variable for Extension and add substring( $fileName,$Extension_index) .


Hope this helps!!!!
