Request state size of 121 objects exceeds the threshold of 100 objects.

Hi Community, I am getting the below warning msg in my application.   Request state size of 121 objects exceeds the threshold of 100 objects. Request details: type 'RequestHandlingUtilImpl$' in session 'bb0c1cb6-d02e-482d-9af0-433c079d3f94'. State consists of:    My app is full of non-persistent entities and we get data from apis and use non-persistent entities to show the data to the ui. In this case if i trigger 2 to 3 api calls in the entire app the warning message starts coming. Things I have tried out: Commited the non-persistent entity object that is being created before leaving the microflows  but still it stays in memory. What is the permanent solution for this problem.. where only non-persistent objects can be used and the warnings shouldnt come.
1 answers

Hey Preethi,


Your issue is quite common, unfortunately committing non-persistent entities doesn't make them persistent, one option would be to copy what you need to a persistent entity and delete the non-persistent one.


Another option would be to kind of ignore the message, while 100 is not too much, it's a good practice to keep an eye out on this number, if tomorrow you have 500 I would investigate why there are so many non-persistent entities. For now you can simply change the runtime setting com.mendix.webui.StateSizeWarningThreshold to 200. More information about runtime settings can be found here: 

