Conditional return values for dropdowns

We have a Enumeration and we want to only be able to select certain job title based off of what we select in that enumeration.   i.e if a user selects ‘France’ via the enumeration we only want them to see job titles where France = true   We have tried building a Non Persistable entity for a drop down to be based off of but having issue returning an object within a microflow.  
2 answers


After selecting value from enumeration add one decision activity, in that activity check for the enum value selected by user and add the steps accordingly.

i.e. $enum = 'France' this will follow the job_titles options that are available under France.

and if $enum = 'India' this will follow the job_titles options that are available under India likewise...


Hi Anthony,


Return the filtered list from the microflow and use this microflow as datasource for job title dropdown
