How to Trim Spaces from Login Id text Box

Hi reader   I am trying to add trim spaces feature on the login page, since we are using a custom login page, I have added Login Id text Box from Authentication type widget. But I didn’t find any events in the text box configuration. Did anyone faced the same issue, is there any way I can have event on the Login Id Text Box widget, or trigger any javascript action?   Thanks 
3 answers


As far as I know it is only possible in the microflow with help of Trim function. In the authentication Tex box we don't have the event option. So, you have to change normal text Box. 


Hi Vignesh,


Within the properties of the Text box, on the tab Events, there is this On Leave. you can set this to call Mircoflow and have that Microflow run the Trim function.



Note! in order to have the Trim function available, make sure you download and install Module Community commons from the marketplace.


Good luck with it,



Hi Vignesh.. the only way to achieve your requirement is to write a javascript/jquery function in your login.html page and call the trim method on the login text box variable… it is possible.. give it a try 
