Seems only one key is considered in import mapping

Hi Community I have set up import mapping with the selection of find an object (by key) and if no object was found, create. I have set two attribute as keys. What I want is that Mendix will search both keys. But it seems that mendix only look the first key instead. For example, If the payload wiht the following records, only first record is created. The second is ignored BatchNo    MaterialNo    Qty 6                  A                      100 6                  B                       60   What I expected is that the two records will be seen as unique as both batch number and Material No are defined as keys.       Anyone know where is the issue?
2 answers

Yep, the problem is exactly what you describe: the import mapping does not check on mutli-attribute keys. You will need to create a microflow to do the check on both attributes at the same time.


We can have only 1 attribute as key. 
in case u want multiple attributes, use an another attribute and define the value for that using Microflow
