InputrefSelector Refkit issue in mendix 9 version

We are using inputRefSelector(RefKit) widget in our app which is in Mendix 7.23.8 , now we are upgrading our app to 9.12.4. After  upgrade, we got the below error while opening the page because of InputRefSelector(RefKit).  Can anyone help us to fix this?   Cannot read properties of null (reading 'attr') TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'attr')     at k.<computed>.E.setSourceObject (http://localhost:9095/widgets/refkit/widget/InputRefSelector.js?638007587598048104:187:35)     at R (http://localhost:9095/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638007587598048104:5:212751)     at http://localhost:9095/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638007587598048104:5:218414    
1 answers

I would try the following.

Delete the 7.23.8 InputRefSelector and create it again in 9.12.4.


By the way, 9.18.x is also an MTS version. There are a lot of features that could make you decide to use this version. For me, the speed of the Studio Pro and many processes in the Studio Pro improved a lot!
