Changing title for mendix application

Hi all I am working on Mendix title change.  I am developing three application in one application what I need to do is if  I am entering from 1st to 2nd application from homepage. the webpage tab title should be changed to second Application name. how can achieve this.
4 answers

Hey Bharath,

Currently my workaround for this is to leave the application title (found in the Navigation part of the modeler) empty. Then I always set the page title custom when opening a new page.

Hope it helps!


You could use a JavaScript Action that accepts a string parameter and you can set document.title to this value. You may need to wrap this in a setTimeout of a few hundred microseconds to stop Mendix overwriting this value. 

You would need to call this JavaScript Action from a Nanoflow. I would put this in a DataView with the datasource set to be this Nanoflow so it runs as the page is being built and displayed. You could add logic in this Nanoflow that works out the correction application and sets the title accordingly.

Hope this helps.


when I leave the Application Title empty. it automatically takes the title as Mendix. is there any way to restrict it.


Hi Rishabh Shandilya, Thankyou for the reply, this widget is useful but in the title dash is available and it could not be removed. is there any other widget to change that completely
