Hey Anahit,
what you can do is, you can place a Nanoflow or microflow on the button which leads to the page and on that microflow, you can create the NPE and then pass it to that page, this way, you will have the context of the NPE on that page and you can use it as many times as you want.
Hope it helps!
Thanks Rishabh
for your answer
I may described my issue incorrectly.
Let's say I want to show companies in a page.
I need to filter companies with different criteria, so I use NPE to keep sort details.
In page I have two placeholder (secondaryHeader) for showing filters and one for showing data in a list (Main).
So I need to access to NPE in two places.
Right now I have done this with page parameter which is fine and working.
Now I want my page to have specific url like /companies/ so that user can access directly to that page via URL.
My main problem is Because I use NPE as page parameter the NPE id is visble in a URL . I don't want NPE id to be visible in url but I still want my page to have specific url.
Hi Anahit,
you can try to surround all the data on the page with a dataview. And then use a datasource for this dataview, where you first find any existing NPE’s related to the session. If not available create, associate to session and return the NP entity.
To get Non Persistable Entity from memory I used Local storage activities. My Nanoflow looks like this:
Which one is better performance wise: using Session association or Storage Activities?