How to use Deeplinks to give access to the page for Particular user.

Hi Guys,     Actually, I am developing Interview Onboarding Application. I have a use case that by using deep links how to go to particular page/form for a particular user. Please help me how to reach out this.     Thanks in Advance.
1 answers

Create an entity (router) which maps a unique key to the information which leads to a page. When you “give the link to the user” your Mendix application generates a new entry in the router and produces a URL to a “common” deep link URL with unique key attached. When the user clicks the URL, the microflow behind the deep link interrogates the unique key against the user in the router, and navigates the user to the right location based on the information stored in the router against the key. You may also need to implement periodic purge in the routing entity; which means that user specific URL will have certain time to live.
