Notification buble

Hi, i have to implement a notification number like this.  The number is given by a microflow as an integer, and i have the css whit the info about the red circle, my question is, how can i make that the integer number shows here?  
5 answers

Hey Constanza,

You can achieve it by placing a listview and set it's data source to microflow, Now apply a microflow timer and set it to run on a specific intervals, now in that list view, add a text box which shows your notification number.

Now, apply css on the text box and your work is done.


Hope it helps!



try this Mendix Forum - Questions 

I hope it hepls with your problem as it seems to contain the same sultion youre seeking



Hi Constanza,

The easiest way how would I proceed is to put it in the container inside DataView. In the screenshot below you can see Attribute {MatchingTaskCount} is wraped inside container where the styling can be adopted, so you can have red circle. 

As you mentioned the number is given by a mf, can you store it in attribute? Like after commit, commit it when it changed, ore as calculated  (in this way you should take care of The rule of thumb is: If it changes more than you look at it, use a calculated attribute. If you look at it more often than the value changes, store it in the database. In most cases, the logic behind a calculated attribute is always executed when the object is used.)


I hope this can help you. Good luck.

Kind regards,


Hi Constanza,

You can Create a Non-Persistable Entity  A with an integer attribute and in your microflow create a New object for A and set the value and return it and if you want you can style your Bubble with css and map the attribute as Domagoj Mesic mentioned and you can also make use of Badge Widget in Mendix .



Hello Constanza,

In my project I did something similar using the BadgeButton, where the Value is a calculated attribute of a non-persistent entity:


Kind regards,

