Error switching from Mendix studio to Mendix studio pro

Hello Everyone! I'm doing the Rapid Developer but I have a problem when I switch from studio to studio pro, the studio tells me that I have no errors and lets me test my app.         but when I switched to studio pro, tell me that there are many errors and warnings and many of the functions that I had already done in the studio, when I switched to pro I don't have them.  example: I had already programmed some buttons, pages, etc., but studio pro has no such configurations.   attached evidence     is the same studio and pro version 9.19 I hope you can help me 
3 answers

Hey Angelo,
You can ignore the warnings by clicking on the warning tab, and for the error, you are facing, It is because of merge conflicts, just click on the changes tab and there you'll see conflicts, right click on the conflicts and then there you will see the option of resolving the conflicts.
Hope it helps!


Hi Angelo,

Please specify the on click action in button wherever applicable, and there is merge conflict in your changes. Please click changes tab and send a screenshot.


Like mentioned by others: solve the conflicts. They got caused by you making changes in both Studio and StudioPro without first saving and commiting the changes.

Another piece of advice: Only use StudioPro. That is the only development IDE in use by use developers. The web-version, Studio, is very limited in functions, only meant for setting up a very basic page or flow by non-developers.
