Mendix Studio Pro Soften results in system errors

System errors often occur when the Mendix Studio Pro opens the project, resulting in the inability to perform any operation, which seriously affects the use. Is there any solutionSystem errors often occur when the development tool opens the project, resulting in the inability to perform any operation, which seriously affects the use. Is there any solution. Any action in the Mendix Studio Pro will trigger the following errorAny action in the Mendix Studio Pro will trigger the following error:  
2 answers

Hey Zhengdong,

I am not sure that I can help you in this case but,

Just giving a suggestion :),

If you are not getting any solutions for your problem,

You can always reach and raise a ticket for your issue,

Attach the screenshot of the error you are getting, and then you will get a suitable solution.

Hope it helps!


Is this with every action you take?

I will get such errors only if I set a color of an action to default color.


Have you tried with another (older) studio pro version?
