How to put different input for the same object

  Hi  So I need a functionality that allows me to choose multiple values for the same attribute. In the picture is a page where you can select a date. I need to be able to select multiple different dates, but when I pick one date the other input fields change with it. How do I make it so you are able to select multiple different dates?  Below is also a picture of the domain model. Thanks       Here is the add button  The popup page     When I press save I get this, it doens't show the date I just entered It just comes in empty   When I press cancel the button becomes white and the fields become gray   Here is the page in Mendix     Edit page in mendix   Microflow to create the object     Microflow to save the expression date. I have no clue what is off here, Im aware it could be in the settings. If anyone has a suggestion please lmk! Thanks
3 answers

Hi Simon,


I can offer you a screen-sharing session tomorrow. I can have a look at it and maybe advise you. If you like the idea, send an invitation with your time proposal to 


Go Make It


Hi Simon,

An attribute can only store one value. If you want to store multiple dates, you need multiple attributes. Another solution would be to create a new entity with a date attribute and have a one to many association in between (so ToKL6 is linked with multiple date objects), but this depends on your use case. What are you trying to achieve?

Hope this helps!


So we found the problem!  We used multiple data grids with multiple page parameters while the microflow was only able to use and show one page parameter, it is not able to display different page parameters and will just show the first one it recognizes.
