Facing issue to add data from API

    API Response / JSON structure as below : {     "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",     "body": {         "Credit":         {             "CreditType1":             {                 "manual_review":   [ "reviewer", "auditor", "ca_reviewer" ],                 "manual_review_1": [ "reviewer" ],                 "manual_review_2": [ "reviewer", "maker", "auditor" ],                                 "ce_approved":     [ "reviewer", "maker", "auditor" ]             }         },         "operations":         {             "OperationsType1":                 {                      "dgkyc_rejected_v1": [ "reviewer" ]             },             "OperationsType2":             {                 "the_agent_v1":     [ "reviewer" ]             },             "OperationsType3":                  {                 "the_agent_v1_b2b": [ "reviewer" ]             }         }     } }   From this JSON structutre i have to create below form with 4 dropdown on page contains data as mentioned:   Using import mapping its creating different entities rather than add data in entity. Just tell me how can I import this data?
1 answers

Hi Roshan,


The import mapping is mapping the JSON structure to entities.

These entities you can use to populate your own data structure.



  1. Do the rest call with the import mapping
  2. Use the result (the output) of the REST call in a loop
  3. Create the entities you have in your own data structure with the iterated result from the import mapping


Hope this will help
