Transferir a versão mais recente do Studio Pro

Olá, pessoal. Como voces estao ? Gostaria de saber como faço para ganhar o distintivo “Staying up-to-date”, que pede para (Transferir a versão mais recente do Studio Pro).  Desde já, agredeco !!
2 answers

Hi Gabriel,


The forum is in English, but I will translate and answer:

The question:

Hello guys. How are you ?

I would like to know how do I earn the “Staying up-to-date” badge, which asks for (Download the latest version of Studio Pro).

Thank you in advance!!


The answer,

Download the latest versions of Mendix Studio Pro and install them and use them:

  • Staying up-to-date

    Downloaded the latest Studio Pro version

I don’t know how often, but you could start doing it every next release.


Go Make It



Thanks Marco !! 
