Freeze Colums in DataGrid

Hi Team,   I’m trying to implement grid with freezing first 2 columns and remaining columns are scrollable. Will that be possible in mendix with existing data grids
2 answers


I am not sure if that is going to work with styling the default data grid.
What you could do however is use a listview and style that so that it looks more like a datagrid.

In that case it is easier to give the first to columns a fixed with. For example put them in a layoutgrid with 2 columns and give that a fixed with. Then next to that you can create a layoutgrid with the other columns.

Above that you can put a container with a fixed with and an overflow-y scroll(maybe it should be on top of the listview itself).
You will definetly need some css for this but it will work.

Hope this helps!


Hi Maarten Bongers,

I tried with List view by freezing few columns and making other columns are scrollable
I got below output:

But desired output is different and also scrolling is not in sync with headers (all rows are scrolling independently)
Could you please help me on this?
